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Crop Planning in the Vegetable Garden

Growing vegetables in the home garden is gaining increasing importance. In the relatively small areas but can only be achieved by a well-considered and planned cultivation a steady cover and thus use of the vegetable garden. About 150 m² of gardens are sufficient to attract the vegetable needs for a family of four who loves to eat vegetables. Also for potatoes that taste best from your own vegetable garden, there will be room.

Classification of the vegetable garden

An old rule cultivation according supported the claims of the individual vegetable species by dividing the area into three groups account. If annual exchange of land, guests will reach the plant conservation terms very positive rotation. Particularly in the mixed culture, this classification is common in high, medium and low Zehrer . Among the means Zehrern is expected especially the root vegetables here.
If you decide on a mixed culture, that is, you planted several vegetable species simultaneously on a bed, one first determines the combination of plants for each bed, which you should consider the following criteria :
Combine resources Zehrer with weak or strong Zehrern Zehrern deep-plants with shallow-rooted plants together. Combine plants that shade the ground a little, with such that shade more positively affecting plants, crops (eg carrots/onions) together.

The next year, a change of flowerbeds done (combination is retained), so that the vegetables to other plant families than last year or in recent years include. To facilitate this work, you can look in gardening books or on the Internet (search term mixed culture). Here you will find suggestions of best combinations .

1. Stark consuming vegetables: cabbages, kohlrabi, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, leeks, spinach and endive-all bring very large sheet masses, which necessitate a strong fertilization and irrigation.

2. Weaker consuming vegetables: root vegetables such as carrots, parsley, salsify, radishes and radish. The fertilization takes place and reduced only modestly with organic agents, since these are said to have attractive effect on vegetables flying.

3. Weak consuming vegetables: Legumes such as beans and peas, also onions. They, too, says a pure nitrogen fertilization not to. They especially love Kali. This nutrient also strengthens the plant tissue and makes it more resistant to the weather, various diseases and pests in our vegetable garden.

Classification of the vegetable garden beds 

Around the country, not festzutreten the daily harvest, the area is divided into single beds. These are most conveniently applied 1.20 m wide. Between the beds is a path of 30 cm width. The following examples are given to planting of flower beds:

Then you can 3 rows white, red, savoy, flowers or Brussels sprouts plants:
A number is located in the center and two rows of 10 cm from the edge. In the ranks of the plants are 50 cm apart. Since the carbon initially does not fill the free space can be used as intermediates early planting lettuce and early kohlrabi. These have long been harvested, until the cabbage concludes the series. After harvesting cabbage stalks are to be fed with gall-like growths on the roots against the garbage. Even with stumps rot fungus may be affected and should not be composted. Another bed is planted with celery, kohlrabi or bush beans. These cultures are also in planted or sown 50 cm row spacing. In the ranks of the plant is only 40 cm distance, because they do not develop as strong as the late cabbages standing on the bed 1.

Celery leaves that are infected in the summer of the leaf spot disease, should be removed immediately. Beet 3 is intended for cucumbers. Of the cucumbers only a number comes on to the bed, in series to receive the cucumber at a distance of 30 to 40 cm. As a side planting you choose lettuce or early kohlrabi. Since cucumbers are first placed or planted in mid-May, we planted the bed until then removed with two more rows of lettuce namely 30 cm from the center row. 

The longer it is possible to prevent mildew on cucumbers, the greater the harvest will be. Here, the preventive use of plant strengthening agents is advisable. From lettuce, turnip and leek breakfast four rows come on the bed. The distance between the rows is 35 cm. In the rows, the plants are 30 cm apart. As the leeks to the development needs longer time and mainly grows vigorously in late summer, alternately salad and breakfast cabbage can be planted in rows.

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